Forbes List Richest Person In The World 2013. Not to mention right-wingers, narcissists The richest person in the world, Mexican mogul Carlos Slim Helu, is certainly no friend of humanity, but Silvio Berlusconi, with his special brand of. Carlos Slim is once again the world's richest person, followed by Bill Gates.
11. Steve Ballmer (U.S.) - The richest people in the world ... (Nell Evans) Is the list base on black by nationality or complexion? The Forbes list of billionaires is brimming over with oligarchs, monopolists, thugs, miscreants, and hustlers. Find Forbes List Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Forbes List and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.
S.) Who are the richest people in the world?
Forbes has released a list that identifies the richest person residing in every U.
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The ranking takes into account wealth both self-made and inherited and places the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos, in Washington state, knocking stalwart Bill Gates off the list for the. Another gainer: New York Mayor Michael. So happy my tribe has a representative though it.
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